MADE WITH.. curiosity
The way I see it, whatever field one finds himself or herself in in life, one must never stop asking questions, learning, and questioning oneself. This is especially true in communications!
It’s what drives creativity, what allows one to think outside the box and explore new horizons. And beyond simply questioning oneself, one needs to be asking the right questions and must know exactly how to make sense of the resulting information.
When I start working for a new client, most of the time I am not familiar with their sector. And even if I am, that sector is constantly evolving. So one must always start from scratch without any preconceived notions. One must never be ashamed of asking the obvious questions, and more than anything, for each answer, one must ask himself or herself ‘why’.
Always analyse the market with a naïve eye by putting oneself in the target audience’s shoes, by studying the impact societal trends have on the market’s evolving requirements and motivations.
That’s right. I take the time to study, explore, investigate, detect and understand the emerging phenomena that will shape tomorrow’s trends…

“To look into the future, one needs to know the past and be able to study the present”
I believe that every company how ever big or small contributes something to our world and deserves help trying to reach out to their target audience and enhance their visibility. I believe that each and every one must contribute to making the world a better place at his or her humble level.
I therefore make available to all, even the self-employed, methods used by large corporations, thereby guaranteeing results that are in line with their levels of ambitions.
I applied these methods to myself because even though I am a self-employed consultant, I am first and foremost an entrepreneur, just like you!
- Micro & small entreprises
- Startups
- SMBs – Mid-Caps

You need some help seeing the bigger picture?