MADE WITH… method



Since a strategy is essential prior to all communication, but that it becomes redundant if not applied, I accompany you from the outlining of your positioning strategy (establishing your added value and your identity) all the way to its expression throughout the various communication platforms.

“Start with curiosity, not belief”

Marty Neumeier

1 - Status

I draw up a complete and detailed status of your project, of your expectations and of your challenges based on a questionnaire and a first exchange with you. I can also conduct interviews within your teams if you are a larger structure.

2 - Environmental Analysis

I analyse societal trends and how they impact your market, the underlying motivations of your target audience and your competitive environment, in order to highlight the opportunities that are available and the various levers of differentiation.

3 - Communications Analysis

I analyse your current communications effort (logo, website, brochure, social networks…) to highlight your strengths and areas for improvement in light of the environmental analysis.

4 - Strategic recommendations

I make a recommendation on the positioning/differentiation strategy that I believe has the most potential and advise you on the organisation and contents of your product or service offering and ‘brand architecture’’ (organisation of your different brands) in line with this strategy.

5 - Brand Platform

I synthesise your brand identity and your added value in the form of a brand ‘ID card’ (vision, mission, ambition, insight, promise, reasons to believe, values, personality…) in order to structure your narrative and prioritise the messages to be conveyed to your target audience through your communications tools.

6 - Graphic identity

I hand over to my graphic designer (Art Director) the outcome of my work and guide him (or her) by suggesting several creative angles with baseline/slogan proposals and symbols to communicate your added value through your visual identity (logo, graphic identity).

7 - Communication tools

I provide the graphic designer with a brief that includes the written content for your website or your brochure and recommendations relating to their structure and illustration (drawings, photos, pictograms). I can also: write video storyboards (standard or motion design); help you communicate on your crowd funding effort; guide you on social media to ensure your are getting the right message across and with the right tone. And I can of course accompany you in the long run for all your Marketing and Communications related queries.

You need some help seeing the bigger picture?